I cannot speak highly enough about this plugin, it’s transformative effect on my blogging, or the responsiveness and support from Steve Burge, the plugin’s creator.
The more we can live in this state of gratitude and joy for the blessings of our life, the more effective we are in every area of our life.
A Mental Trigger is a writing device that helps create a positive emotional response in your reader.
Fear is often at the root of our refusal to sit down and write every day – because if we actually complete this first draft, we’ll one step closer to the most terrifying thing of all – putting ourselves out into the world.
The Goal: To complete the first draft of my book
Obstacle: Everything Else
Any worthwhile accomplishment takes time, effort and determination. That includes writing your book. Do you have a Roadmap for Success?
The hard part of writing is getting ourselves into a state of willingness so that we’ll sit down at our computer and pound the keys like our hair is on fire.
What if whatever you’ve been through in your past prepared you to write the transformational non-fiction book only you can write?
If you want to grow as a writer, the most effective way is to develop the passion for learning.
We all know what to do to sell our books.
We just don’t want to do it because it means stepping out of our comfort zone.