Beyond Achievement: The Transformation Journey in Pursuit of Your Goals

What You Get By Achieving Your Goals Is Not As Important As What You Become By Achieving Your Goals -Goethe

What You Get By Achieving Your Goals Is Not As Important As What You Become By Achieving Your Goals


This is why I focus on mindset and personal development so much.

Writing is simple.

Just sit down at your keyboard and bleed, to paraphrase Ernest Hemingway.

The hard part of writing is getting ourselves into a state of willingness so that we’ll sit down at our computer and pound the keys like our hair is on fire.

If you think I’m joking, I dare you to make a list of all the things you’ve done TODAY to avoid sitting down at your computer and writing the next page of your book.

Some days, my list can get really long.

And depressing.

It’s just so much easier to write. It really is.

It’s the thing I love to do most in this world.

It’s what I know I was born for.

If you’re like me, that statement is true for you.

My challenge for you today?

Become a person who refuses to procrastinate on your book.

Sounds simple.

It is.

Becoming that person? That’s the hard part – but you can easily achieve it.

Every time you feel procrastination rearing it’s hideous head follow these three steps.

1. Make the decision that you will write
2. Follow that decision with the action required: write
3. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Personal integrity is equally simple.

I will do what I said I would do, when I said I would do it, whether I feel like it or not.

It’s also a fantastic way to get your book written.

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