Eyes on the Prize: Bypassing Obstacles in Your Writing Journey

Obstacles Are Those Frightful Things You See When You Take Your Eyes Off Your Goal. -Henry Ford

Obstacles Are Those Frightful Things You See When You Take Your Eyes Off Your Goal.

Henry Ford

The Goal: To complete the first draft of my book

Obstacle: Everything Else

Excuse: “I don’t have time to write.”

It’s a Big Fat Lie…

We don’t “find” the time to do anything

We make the time for the things we value

You have the same 1,440 minutes as me…

Will you spend some of today’s precious minutes writing your book?

Yes, it really is a choice

Do you value your published book?

Then your choice should be simple.

Is it?

Another Excuse: “I don’t have the talent to be a ‘real’ writer.“

More Garbage

Nobody writes a masterpiece the first time they write anything

God gave you some level of innate writing talent

It’s your job to hone the talent God gave you into a mighty skill you (and He) can be proud of

How many minutes will you devote to honing your talent today?

It doesn’t matter what you don’t have

What you do with what you do have is what matters

Keep your eyes on the prize

Take the call


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