Am I tired, mentally, emotionally or physically?
Maybe, but here’s the hard truth. My vision for my life and my published book couldn’t care less.
Am I tired, mentally, emotionally or physically?
Maybe, but here’s the hard truth. My vision for my life and my published book couldn’t care less.
Goals are fantastic, but without a deadline attached, your goal is nothing but a pretty thought, a pipe dream with no plan to turn them into reality.
To achieve our dream of writing and publishing a book, to “say what you would be” in EpicTetus’ words, requires that we take action.
Writing a non-fiction book is a wonderful goal but, in and of itself, that goal isn’t of much use.
You need to know the HOW.
The Goal: To complete the first draft of my book
Obstacle: Everything Else
Any worthwhile accomplishment takes time, effort and determination. That includes writing your book. Do you have a Roadmap for Success?
Dreams are beautiful things. But a dream alone is useless without a plan for turning that dream into our reality.
That’s where the deadline comes in.