A Date with Success: How Deadlines Turn Dreams into Reality

A Goal is a Dream with a Deadline -Napoleon Hill

A Goal is a Dream with a Deadline

-Napoleon Hill

Goals are fantastic, but without a deadline attached, your goal is nothing but a pretty thought, a pipe dream with no plan to turn them into reality.

When you attach a deadline to your goal, especially if it’s an uncomfortably close deadline, you empower yourself to accomplish amazing things.

You empower yourself to step out of your comfort zone, push past your limiting beliefs and do the “impossible.”

Because that deadline forces you to come up with a plan to turn your goal into reality.

It’s really beautiful.

So if your dream goal is to write a book, do you have a plan to turn your dream into reality?

Do you know how long it will take you to write your first draft?

Do you understand at the core of your being why writing this book is important for you?

Do you know the specific problem you solve for your ideal reader?

Do you have a writing schedule based in the reality of your life, not a fantasy based on your good intentions?

Do you have a clear, detailed Roadmap for Success? 

If you answered “NO” to one or more of these questions, then I encourage you to schedule a “Turn My Dreams Into My Reality” clarity call with me so you can get clear – before you start writing your book.

Schedule your free 30-minute Turn My Dreams Into Reality Clarity Call at https://ChristopherDiArmani.net/Dreams

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