Reflect on your weaknesses AND your strengths. You have both.
It’s impossible to be depressed when you focus on your appreciation and your gratitude for the many good things in your day today.
Do I work hard to become the best person I can be when nobody is watching?
How will you serve others so you can fulfill the passion and purpose you know you were born for?
Who must you become to attract your ideal reader?
Selfish people are never satisfied because they can never fill up the void inside their hearts with more stuff.
This week we’re reading Your Road Map for Success: You Can Get There from Here by John C. Maxwell
Today is always the best day to strive to be more, to do more, to set higher goals, to commit with our entire being to achieve those goals and to do all of that as a service to others.
One of the foundational principles of personal development is that we must first change our internal world before our external world will reflect our new beliefs back to us.
Mother Teresa set a high bar for us, but it’s not so high we can’t achieve it every single day, just like she did.