There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self.
-Ernest Hemingway
Merry Christmas!
Is there a better day than today to strive to be a better human being than you were yesterday? I don’t think so.
There will always be someone better looking, better dressed, better skilled, a better writer than you.
The only person I want strive to be better than today is me, the person I was yesterday. Too often, to be a better me than I was an hour ago.
Can you relate?
Today is also a day to live in gratitude and compassion, because these are two emotions our world needs more of. Share on XPlease take this to heart.
Today is always the best day to strive to be more, to do more, to set higher goals, to commit with our entire being to achieve those goals and to do all of that as a service to others.
I will get everything I want in life if I just help enough other people to get what they want.
Embrace Zig Ziglar’s Live Ziglar’s timeless principle and strive to achieve it every single day.
When you embrace this attitude of service to others before service to self, every dream you have for your life will come true.
If you’re honest with yourself, this is why you want to write and publish your book, isn’t it?
To help others.
To serve others?
To make the impact in the world you now you were born for?
So… as we approach the new Year and all the promise it holds, make this one commitment to yourself right now.
I will write the best book possible for me today
with the skills and talents I possess today
And I will do even better in my next book
Because I will possess new skills, new talents
and new ways to express myself on the page.