Approach your writing sessions with a curious mind. Take a moment and enter a state of deep emotional and intellectual calm.
Month: April 2023
Embrace the joy of this moment, right before you begin, so you can enjoy this specific section of your writing journey.
Today, I choose to wake up happy, powerful and motivated so I can take the next leap forward in the story that is my life.
The key to making progress, both in your life and in your writing, is to be wise enough to evaluate and apply advice from sources you trust.
This week we’re reading Cover to Cover: What Authors Need to Know about Editing by Sandra Wendel
Fulfillment is waiting for you on the other side of your first sale. Not because of the money, but because of your opportunity to impact the life of another human being.
Want to feel courageous?
Sit down and write.
Want to feel inspired?
Sit down and write.
Your courage will uncover your hidden self-confidence.
This quote is an awesome reminder that deadlines are opportunities to bring your work to life, not some horrible troll to be avoided at all cost.
Reader reviews – specifically 3-star and 4-star reviews – are your most powerful tools to uncover what you must include in your book.