Unlock Your Writing Power: Join the Successful Author VIP Experience

Day 180: Stephen King - The Scariest Moment

The Scariest Moment is Always Just Before You Start

-Stephen King

If the mere idea of sitting down to write fills you with dread, then you know exactly what Stephen King is talking about.

And you’re not alone. Many of the most famous writers in history feel this way too.

While this fear can come from a multitude of sources, one of the primary sources for writers like me and perhaps you, is the thought, “I don’t know what to write.”

The solution to 'I don't know what to write' is your complete, detailed Roadmap to Author Success. Share on X

This document contains all the answers to every question you have about your book, including your WHY, your WHO (ideal reader), your WHAT (motivation), your WHEN (writing schedule), your WHERE and your HOW (your detailed outline).

When you know what to write, why you want to write, and your deepest and most powerful motivations for writing and publishing your book, getting the words out of your head and onto the page becomes time you look forward to; time that gets you excited to write.

Do you want to write and publish your book in 2023?

Do you want to make this your crowning achievement in 2023?

Do you want to design and build your complete Roadmap to Author Success in a single day so you can turn your dream of a book into your published reality?

Then join me for my Successful Author VIP Experience so you can unlock the power, inspiration and motivation that’s hidden inside of you.

Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at https://ChristopherDiArmani.net/Dreams

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