Capture Your Ideal Readers: Embrace the Power of Repetition

Repetition is a Key to Gaining Audience Recognition -Shelley Hitz

Repetition is a Key to Gaining Audience Recognition

Repetition is a Key to Gaining Audience Recognition

What’s the most important thing you must do to position yourself for author success, even before you’ve finished your first draft?

You must get eyeballs on your book cover and your book marketing copy.

You must get your book in front of the people who are most likely to buy it, read it and be transformed by it. Share on X

Effective book marketing is doing the small things required every day for three years, says John Kremer, so you can achieve your dream of making an impact in someone else’s life.

Do one thing every day to place your book in front of your ideal readers, wherever they are.

It may feel boring to you, but research tells us that until a person sees a message a dozen times or more – even when that message is directly targeting them – the message isn’t consciously received.

Repetition is the key.

You developed a Roadmap for Author Success to write your book, right?

Among other things, you scheduled your writing sessions on your calendar and showed up at the appointed hour and wrote, whether you felt like it or not, right?

Effective book marketing follows that same exact model.

When you repeat your efforts consistently over time, you will be rewarded with the sales and book reviews that turn your dream of writing a book into your reality of a successful, published author.

Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at

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