Education for Transformation: Embrace the Purpose of Learning in Your Personal Journey

The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. -Malcolm Forbes

Day 252: Malcolm Forbes–The purpose of education

-Malcolm Forbes

We read books and take courses so we can improve the quality of our life.

This requires:

1. Education (new facts that challenge our existing belief system), and

2. Willingness (to step out of our comfort zone and experiment with new ideas)

It also means learning how to think and behave in new and better ways so that I can become a better human being tomorrow than I am today.

It’s no coincidence that, to become a better writer, I must become a better version of myself. I must become the best version of myself I can, every single day.

I don’t have all the answers. No, not even to the questions in areas where I possess great expertise.

Hemingway said it best.

Education for Transformation: Embrace the Purpose of Learning in Your Personal Journey Share on X

This is true in writing and in life. We never become a master at either one. Instead, our goal, my goal, is to improve every single day.

How can I serve my wife better?

How can I serve my family better?

How can I serve my readers better?

Not so oddly, the answer is the same for all of those questions.

Learn to become more open, more honest, more grateful, more transparent, more willing to give of my time and my expertise to whoever asks for it.

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