Choose to Win: Design Your Roadmap to Author Success

It's hard to beat a guy when he's got his mind made up that he’s going to win. -Muhammad Ali

It’s hard to beat a guy when he’s got his mind made up that he’s going to win.

-Muhammad Ali

Have you made up your mind that you will write, finish and publish your book?

Not “thinking about” how writing a book would be a good thing to do for your life and for your business.

I’m speaking of your decision that you will accomplish this goal – to reach the end of Publication Highway unscathed – no matter what challenges attempt to block your path.

Are you truly committed to writing your book? If yes, have you created a plan for how you will accomplish this? Share on X

Because until you have a plan, you’re not committed to your goal.

When you make up your mind to win, to use Ali’s analogy, you’ll design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success so you know exactly what steps to take every day of your journey, all the way to the finish line of Publication Highway.

A written action plan is proof of your commitment to succeed, and your detailed roadmap fills you with anticipation and excitement for the road ahead.

Anticipation of your success is a powerful motivator; one that ensures you will apply the tools of perseverance, tenacity, and discipline to take the specific daily action necessary so you can get your book written.

Are you ready?

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so you can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book.
Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at
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