The Writer’s Secret: Read Your Way to Mastery

When you read fiction written by the great masters of the craft throughout history, you learn how to craft a phrase that will thrill your readers.

There are many rules of good writing but the best way to find them is to be a good reader.

-Stephen E. Ambrose

One of the most enjoyable ways to become a better writer is to read a lot. Reading is a pleasure unto itself, but it also delivers positive results for you that maybe you hadn’t considered.

When you read fiction written by the great masters of the craft throughout history, you learn how to craft a phrase that will thrill your readers. Share on X

When you read great works in your chosen field, whether you write fiction or non-fiction, you learn how the best of the best.

You become the subject-matter expert in your field.

And when you read the bestsellers in the self-improvement field, you become a more insightful human being who can communicate clearly with your readers.

Here’s my simple daily plan to become a better writer without ever writing a word.

  • Read fiction for 30 minutes per day.
  • Read great books in your area of expertise for 30 minutes per day.
  • Read great non-fiction – personal development, sales, marketing – for 30 minutes per day.

When you understand how you think and act, and why you think and act in those ways, you become a more interesting author.

You become an author worth reading – no matter what your area of expertise may be.

And we bestow this miracle upon ourselves without ever writing a word, as promised.

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so you can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book.
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