When you read fiction written by the great masters of the craft throughout history, you learn how to craft a phrase that will thrill your readers.
Are you truly committed to writing your book? If yes, have you created a plan for how you will accomplish this?
If you dream of writing a book or you dream of writing to earn a living, the very best advice I can offer is that you build your daily writing habit.
Your mindset shifts from “I hate selling” to “I love connecting with my ideal readers.”
It’s tough to live courageously for 10 minutes, let alone an entire day, but that’s the task before us on this beautiful Fear-Free Friday.
In 60 minutes you completed the first draft of 4 separate blog posts.
This is the power of time blocking and task batching,.
The more you practice your writing skills, the better you become at them.
Day 191: Lisa See – Read A Thousand Books
If you examine your life honestly, you know you’ve never “thought” your way to success in anything.
It’s not “what” am I going to do about it. It’s what “will” I do about it.