Building Blocks of Success: Nurturing a Positive Mental Attitude

Success is a mindset. Let’s learn how to create a positive one. -Beau Norton

Success is a mindset. Let’s learn how to create a positive one.

-Beau Norton

Success is a positive mental attitude.

Success is the belief that I can do whatever I set my mind to.

Success is committing to the actions required to achieve success.

If you examine your life honestly, you know you’ve never “thought” your way to success in anything.

You worked for it.

You made a decision, followed your decision with immediate, effective action to achieve your goal.

I’m reading The Power of Significance by John C. Maxwell right now, and the core message of this book is that if you want to live a life of significance, you must take significant action every day.

“Significant” action doesn’t mean “massive” action. It’s means the smallest, simplest action you can take – right now – to move yourself closer to your dream.

What is the smallest, simplest action you can take right now to move your book one step closer to the finish line of Publication Highway?

Can you schedule 30 minutes of writing time?

Can you make and keep that commitment, whether you feel like it or not?

Of course you can.

The question is…. will you?

If you need help, join me for my 1-day Successful Author VIP Experience.

Over the course of about 5 hours together, you and I will design and create your personal, detailed Roadmap for Author Success so you can write and publish your book this year.

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