Becoming a Master Wordsmith: Harness the Art of Reading for Writing Success

Read A Thousand Books And Your Words Will Flow Like A River -Lisa See

Read A Thousand Books And Your Words Will Flow Like A River

-Lisa See

“How to become a better writer without ever writing a word” is one of my favorite tools in my Author Success Toolkit.

The title invokes curiosity, and the thought of something for nothing is a dream we all covet – whether we’re writing a book or not.

But we’re seldom blessed with a benefit without paying a cost of some type.

And so it is for my favorite Author Success Tool.

There is a cost.

To become a better writer without writing a word you must read - every day - in three key areas. Share on X
  • Read fiction for 30 minutes per day.
  • Read great books in your area of expertise for 30 minutes per day.
  • Read great non-fiction – personal development, sales, marketing – for 30 minutes per day.

Reading great fiction fills your mind with example of exceptional great writing.

Masters of the craft are your teachers, and when you intentionally focus on this while reading, you can’t help but add these tools to your own personal Author Success Toolkit.

To become the master of your area of expertise, you must learn as much as possible about your book’s subject.

And when we learn better ways of thinking we become better human beings – we become an author that readers find are worth paying attention to.

And we bestow this miracle upon ourselves without ever writing a word, as I promised at the top of today’s article.

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so you can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book.
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