With every step, you realize the safety you thought you required to survive was really a mind fog that muted every color of the rainbow.
This week we’re reading Start With Why by Simon Sinek
How will you serve others so you can fulfill the passion and purpose you know you were born for?
Your confidence is essential to building KLT, that holy grail of book marketers, in your ideal reader.
Like the ship leaving the harbor, you and I are meant to leave safety and security of our comfort zone so we can overcome every obstacle life can throw at us.
So, since you’ll fritter away nine months anyway, why not cut them out of the process entirely?
Persistence gives you the strength to keep going, despite any obstacle, difficulty or discouragement you face.
Time blocking forces you to shrink the work to fill a specific amount of time.
If you track how you spend your time and where you spend your money, you’ll probably be horrified at what your actions show is important.
This week we’re reading The Authentic Swing by Stephen Pressfield