Writing with Purpose: How Your Emotional State Influences Others

Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another. It is the only means. -Albert Einstein

Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another. It is the only means.

Albert Einstein

It’s our personal duty, our responsibility, to maintain awareness of where we’re at emotionally, intellectually and spiritually because these states determine the example we set for others.

These states determine how we show up for others, or if we show up for them at all.

If, for example, we’re in a bad mood and we allow that temporary negative state to influence our writing, this temporary negativity on our part can have a permanent negative influence on others.

The same is true of our intellectual and spiritual states.

Does that mean we shouldn’t write when we’re feeling poorly in one or more of these three areas?

No, but perhaps it means we should spend more time on introspection so we can regain clarity on the example we want to set for others.

Do we pass The Mirror Test?  If not, perhaps it’s best we re-evaluate our thoughts and actions until we do.

Then we can start writing.

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