Writing with Fire: Let Your Passion Shine Through

Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless. -Gary Vaynerchuk

Skills are cheap. Passion is priceless.

-Gary Vaynerchuk

Yes, being a skilled writer is important, but your passion for your subject is what will set you apart from every other author in your field.

Your passion is also what will drive you forward when everyone else is taking a nap.

Who was filled with passion in the parable of the Tortoise and the Hare?

Mr. Tortoise wasn’t the most skilled runner. He certainly wasn’t the fastest, but he was the most committed, the most determined and the most passionate about winning the race.

You can learn skills. You can learn how to write better, faster, more eloquently, but it’s really hard to learn how to write more passionately.

Sure, you can learn to write persuasively (and you should learn this skill) but it’s no substitute for the raw emotional power of your passion.

Passion is that intangible that sparks every sentence with electricity. Share on X

Passion is that intangible that keeps you writing well into the early morning hours yet remain oblivious to time’s relentless march.

Passion is that magical and miraculous force that drives you to write, finish and publish your book so you can make the impact you know you were born to make in the lives of your readers.

Learn the skills of effective writing. Absolutely.

But only write about what you can’t live without writing.

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so, together, we can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book. 

Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at https://AuthorCoach.click/Dreams
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