Writing Beyond Fear: Embrace the Inevitability of Success

Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. -Coco Chanel

Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.

-Coco Chanel

Fear is a learned response.

We’re not born afraid. We’re taught to be afraid.

And the fact we learned how to be afraid means we can unlearn it as well. 

We can learn to be courageous instead.

Failure is only inevitable if we refuse to act; if we refuse to do the things required to achieve our goal. Share on X

There is no secret to writing a book.

You sit down at the keyboard and write until your eyes are crossed and your fingers bleed.  Then you rub your eyes, bandage your hands and go to bed.

When you wake up, write again until your eyes are crossed and your fingers bleed. 

Your finished, published book is inevitable if you take this courageous and action-oriented approach. 

If you choose to allow fear to enter your mind and worse, pollute your thinking to the point you are finding ways not to write and not to meet your deadline, then you’ve committed the most heinous sin in all of writing – you defeated yourself.

Should fear try to browbeat you with nonsense like, “You can’t write a book,” ask it one simple question.

“What is your source of information?”

It doesn’t have one, so don’t fall into that trap.

Your past actions have very little to do with your future success.

Every skill required can be learned.

With skill, practice and your willingness to succeed, anything is possible.

So I ask you this…

How will you vanquish the negative thoughts invading your mind today?

Schedule your free 30-minute Turn My Dreams Into Reality Clarity Call at https://ChristopherDiArmani.net/Dreams

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