If you must ask for permission, you'[re not turning your dreams into reality, your helping someone else turn their dreams into reality.
Nobody will ever care more about your book’s success than you, the author. It doesn’t matter if you’re self-published or traditionally-published – 95% of marketing your book is on your shoulders.
“I will try again tomorrow.”
Then set yourself up for success by writing down three bullet points you will implement tomorrow.
Steve Jobs changed 4 major industries, not by making incremental change, but doing what conventional wisdom said was impossible.
What is your biggest challenge today?
What’s your plan to overcome it?
So, what’s your vision for your life? Can you distil it down to a single sentence? How about a single word?
The cleaner and clearer we can be with one another, the more we can help each other fulfil our dreams instead of projecting our fears onto them.
In a world that’s overrun with fear, shame, doubt, isolation and division, to maintain any sense of mental health means we must focus our attention on the things that matter most.
Headlines and subheadings must grab the attention of your ideal
The only way to truly help another person transform their life is to allow yourself to be open and vulnerable so they can see the truth of your story in them.