Rise Above: Embracing Challenges for a Meaningful Life

Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. -Joshua J. Marine

Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

-Joshua Marine

What is your biggest challenge today?

What’s your plan to overcome it?

If you don’t have one yet, you can build it right now and it will take you less than 2 minutes.

Step 1. Write down the three biggest steps to overcome the challenge you face.

Step 2. Break each of those three steps down into three smaller steps.

Step 3. Break each of those three smaller steps down.

By now you should have a pretty clear plan. If you can break it down further, do it, because the easier you make each step, the more likely you are to complete them.

Then work the plan diligently, every single day until you succeed.

Above all, work your plan with love, joy and gratitude because this will make every step easier and faster to complete so you can live a meaningful life.

And if your greatest challenge is figuring out the Roadmap for Success for your non-fiction book, then join me September 19-23 for UNSTUCK: The Free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors.

Together, we’ll build a detailed Roadmap for Success tailored specifically for your life and the book you were born to write.

All the details and the signup form are here:  https://ChristianAuthorUnstuck.com

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