Unlock Your Writing Success: Follow the 3-Step Formula

My Simple 3-Step Formula for Success 1. Make a decision. 2. Follow your decision with immediate, effective action. 3. Repeat. -Christopher di Armani


In the famous race between the tortoise and the hare, the rabbit didn’t win the race despite his speed.

The tortoise won because he was willing to do the one thing the hare was not.

He worked hard, to the best of his ability, until he crossed the finish line.

Success is often like this.

Success usually is not flashy or exciting.

Success is typically not experienced by doing the fun parts and ignoring the rest.

Success is found by doing the boring things that are necessary, every single day, until we cross the finish line

Success is found in writing to the best of our ability, every day until our book is finished.

Boring, daily, effective action is what turns our book dreams into our published reality. Share on X

Habits – proven, effective habits – are what keep us moving through the slow bits, the dull sections and the hard parts when we don’t believe in ourselves.

This daily writing habit is part of the success system that’s allowed me to write and publish 49 books so far, with the 50th on the way.

I do the boring thing and I keep doing the boring thing until I cross the finish line, just like the tortoise.

I develop habits that guarantee my success.

I schedule my success.

I do the thing I know I must do, when I know I must do it, whether I feel like it or not.

If you follow these simple instructions and develop your daily writing habit, success will meet you at the finish line of Publication Highway too.

Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at https://ChristopherDiArmani.net/Dreams

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