The Courage to Persist: Embracing the Journey of Writing with Tenacity and Determination

Anyone Can Give Up, It's The Easiest Thing To Do, But To Hold It Together When Everyone Else Would Understand If You Feel Apart. That's True Strength. -Zig Ziglar

Anyone Can Give Up, It’s The Easiest Thing To Do, But To Hold It Together When Everyone Else Would Understand If You Feel Apart. That’s True Strength.

-Zig Ziglar

How many times have you given up because the going got a little tough?

Was the challenge really too tough, or did you give up because giving up was the easier path?

Hard questions, but if we want to live anything but a mediocre life, we must answer them.

I am capable of so much more than I think I am. But I must grab onto my courage, grab onto my faith that I can get through this, and just take one more step.

That’s true for you too

The urge to give up can be strong, but if we make that choice – and it is a choice – we are doomed.

Grab onto your courage.

Grab onto your determination.

Take one more step than you think you can. You can do it.

And when you do, it will prove to you that you are capable of far more than you think you are too.

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