To achieve dreams we’ve never accomplished before, like writing the first draft of a book, we must take risks we’ve never dared take before.
Our thoughts control our decisions and actions, therefore our thoughts control our lives.
We can do anything we choose to do.
To write a book or accomplish any other lofty goal in life, we must do the uncomfortable thing. We must step outside our comfort zone.
Too often, we stay in soul-killing jobs because we can’t see any other option. Or we fail to do the thing we most want to do because we’re afraid.
So we do things we don’t want to do because it’s “safe” even if we despise it.
We don’t turn our dreams into reality by working really hard one day and doing nothing for six days.
We turn our dreams into reality by working our plan, our Roadmap for Success, daily.
To learn more about designing your detailed Roadmap for Success so you can write and publish your non-fiction book this year, schedule your no-cost “How to Turn My Dreams Into Reality” clarity call with me.
If you refuse to even try, you’ve failed yourself and, worse, you’ve failed all those people your book could help if you dared take that next step to write and publish your book.
When we focus on our hopes and dreams to the exclusion of building a plan to turn those dreams into reality, we’re living on Someday Island.
Get creative. That’s all book marketing is – getting creative with how you can get copies of your book into the hands of those who need it.
Fears of all kinds can paralyze us.
Fear of success.
Fear of failure.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear around not knowing what to do because you’ve never done this before.