Navigating the Writing Journey: Embrace the Oars of Determination

If the Wind Will Not Serve; Take to the Oars -Latin Proverb

If the Wind Will Not Serve, Take to the Oars

-Latin Proverb

If you allow the winds of life to dictate your destination, you’re never going to write and publish your book. That’s a fact.

Writing  and publishing your compelling non-fiction book takes time and effort.

It takes diligence and determination.

Writing and publishing your compelling, non-fiction book requires grit.

Most of all, it requires setting your course and doing everything in your power to maintain that course, no matter which way the wind blows.

The easiest way to maintain your course as you write your book is to begin the process with a detailed Roadmap for Success.

This roadmap contains all the essentials to keep you on course and on schedule, including the who, what, when, why, where and how of your finished book.

To learn more about designing your detailed Roadmap for Success so you can write and publish your non-fiction book this year, schedule your no-cost “How to Turn My Dreams Into Reality” clarity call with me.

We’ll dive into your motivations for writing your book, who you will help with your book and so much more.

Isn’t that worth 30 minutes of your time?

Schedule your free 30-minute Turn My Dreams Into Reality Clarity Call at

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