Effective writing requires a calm mind emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.
Your book won’t write itself, but with a vanload of friends to help every mile of your journey, you simply can’t fail.
Words are the arrows you fire at a specific target so you can communicate all of your hopes, dreams and solutions to your ideal reader.
Embrace whatever process works best for you. Change halfway through if required.
The tool doesn’t matter.
Want to become a better writer without writing a word?
Read more.
Determination is how you overcome every obstacle as you journey down Publication Highway.
Tell yourself, “I am capable of writing this book. I will write this book. I MUST write this book.”
One way to build your confident, authoritative aura is to focus on being of service to your audience.
Embrace persistence. (If you can have only one tool in your author toolset, make it persistence)