From Reader to Writer: How Daily Reading Fuels Your Writing Success

If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write. -Stephen King

If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time or the tools to write.

-Stephen King

Reading extensively is the fastest and easiest way to improve your craft, your writing skills.

I ask my clients to read for 30 minutes in 3 specific areas every day.

1. Read the best non-fiction in your area of expertise

2. Read the best fiction in your favorite genre

3. Read the best self-help books by the masters

The benefits of this daily reading habit are numerous.

You gain more wisdom in your area of expertise.

Your deepen your understanding of effective writing techniques.

You become a better human being – the foundation upon which you build your entire life.

Want to become a better writer without writing a word? Read more. Share on X

Want to become a more grateful, more loving, more compassionate, more joyful human being?

Read more.

Want to be the go-to expert in your field?

Read more.

Is it a challenge to set aside 90 minutes to read. Not really.

Read in your field for 30 minutes before you go to work.

Read fiction for 30 minutes at lunch.

Read self-help books for 30 minutes before you go to sleep.

This delivers a double-benefit because you fill your mind with great thoughts as you drift off to sleep. Your subconscious then spends the next 8 hours figuring out how to turn those thoughts into your reality.

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