Daily Determination: The Key to Turning Your Book Dreams into Reality

Some succeed because they are destined to; but most succeed because they are determined to. -Henry Van Dyke

Some succeed because they are destined to; but most succeed because they are determined to.

Henry Van Dyke

Yesterday we talked about Audrey Hepburn’s quote about “Impossible.”

Today’s quote is all about making the impossible possible using one thing we all possess: determination.

It’s just a matter of degrees.

Am I willing to do whatever it takes in the short term to accomplish this long-term goal?

Or do I have caveats and exceptions that slow me down or stop me completely?

It’s not a simple one-and-done “yes” or “no”

It’s a question I must answer every single day…

What am I willing to do to turn my dreams into reality?

If you’re struggling to sell your book today, try this simple, 3-step process to develop your determination muscles.

  1. Make the decision you will sell one book today
  2. Follow your excellent decision with effective action (do what’s required to sell a book today)
  3. Repeat these steps every day until your sales ranking improves

This is how you build your determination into an #Unstoppable force.

This is how you sell your book.

Simple… and relatively easy too.  🙂

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