If you’re not moving toward your vision for your life today, as yourself this simple question. Who is stopping you?
The only way to successfully traverse the winding road of Publication Highway is by hard work and determination.
What is the purpose of our life? It’s a question we must all answer, eventually.
Peace of Mind can be such a fickle thing… To safeguard my peace of mind, I must be emotionally and psychologically grounded.
Mother Teresa set a high bar for us, but it’s not so high we can’t achieve it every single day, just like she did.
Be a sponge, learn everything you can and track your book marketing efforts diligently.
If your goal is to write and publish a book, you might face a variety of fears…
When I take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves.
Jordan demanded the best of himself and his teammates and, in doing so, became a 14-time NBA All-Star, 5-time NBA MVP and won 6 NBA championships.
Enthusiasm displaces fear.
Enthusiasm helps you see possibilities, not problems.