How many times have you given up because the going got a little tough?
Was the challenge really too tough, or did you give up because giving up was the easier path?
Empowering non-fiction authors - just like you - so you can turn your dream of writing a book into your published reality. Yes, you really can go from blank page to finished first draft to published book, with ease.
How many times have you given up because the going got a little tough?
Was the challenge really too tough, or did you give up because giving up was the easier path?
Our non-fiction books often deal with healing deep wounds, wounds we’ve personally experienced and worked our way through, often by trial and error.
Are your problems always someone else’s fault? Or do you take responsibility for the decisions you make and actions you take?
No matter which one of these aspects you’re working on today, they all have one thing in common. Persistence and Commitment apply.
There is no better day than Fear-Free Friday to embrace who you were born to be.
Thomas Edison is one of the all-time best examples of commitment.
Most people tend to let outside forces dictate their actions. It’s simply easier to let prevailing winds toss you around the sea of your life.
When we’re crystal clear about what we want, the path to our dream becomes simple and we become #UnStoppable.
One of the foundational principles of personal development is that we must first change our internal world before our external world will reflect our new beliefs back to us.
Faith is a beautiful and empowering thing, even if you don’t believe in God in any traditional sense.