Unlock Your Author Mindset: Transforming Doubts into Gratitude

It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way. -Ernest Hemingway

It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.

-Ernest Hemingway

Whenever you receive a compliment about something you wrote, simply say, “Thank you.”

Allow yourself to receive the compliment with grace and dignity, even if you don’t want to.

There’s plenty of time to berate yourself over everything that’s wrong with your writing later – if you feel you must – but those thoughts must remain unspoken.

Speaking them out loud gives them power, and your job is to remove these thoughts from your mind

So just say, “Thank you,” and smile like you mean it.

Unlock Your Author Mindset: Transforming Doubts into Gratitude Share on X

If you’re working on your first or your next book, I’m confident you’ll learn something useful by designing your own personal Roadmap for Author Success – a process that helps you uncover everything you need to write and publish your book.

If you don’t have one yet, or don’t know what that is, join me on December 12th for UNSTUCK: the free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors.

A detailed Roadmap for Author Success to write and publish your book in 2023 is a brilliant way to prepare for the New Year!

If you want to design your personal Roadmap for Author Success, join me on December 12th for UNSTUCK: the free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors: https://ChristianAuthorUnstuck.com/

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