The Power of Encouragement: Rocket Fuel for Your Author Journey

A good writer doesn’t really need to be told anything except to keep at it. -Chinua Achebe

A good writer doesn’t really need to be told anything except to keep at it.

-Chinua Achebe

Even the “best” writer needs encouragement.

Why? Because nothing builds our confidence like inspiration and support from others.

Encouraging someone else to follow their dreams should be our default setting – no matter what their goal is.

For writers, especially if you’re writing your very first book, this encouragement is essential because you already carry so many doubts, consciously or unconsciously.

Knowing someone else believes in you, possibly more than you believe in yourself, will keep going until you finish your first draft.

While it can be scary to share your writing dream with the world, one benefit of taking this risk, of being vulnerable, is you invite others to encourage you in your journey down Publication Highway.

No risk, no reward.

This is why pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone is so important. These psychological “risks” can lead us to our greatest rewards.

Ask for encouragement from your family, your friends and the people you care about most. Enroll them in your dream and ask them to help you make it come true.

For example, if you schedule daily writing sessions until your first draft is completed, pick one person per day, and assign them the task of holding you accountable.

Or join me for #WritingPowerHour daily at 4pm Pacific.

Writing Power Hour:

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