The only way to truly help another person transform their life is to allow yourself to be open and vulnerable so they can see the truth of your story in them.
Too often, we stay in soul-killing jobs because we can’t see any other option. Or we fail to do the thing we most want to do because we’re afraid.
So we do things we don’t want to do because it’s “safe” even if we despise it.
Willingness to learn is the key here, as it is in so many areas of life, including writing.
When you build a chain of small, daily successes, completing your book is inevitable.
I love taking on tasks that are “inevitably successful.”
The more we can live in this state of gratitude and joy for the blessings of our life, the more effective we are in every area of our life.
A Mental Trigger is a writing device that helps create a positive emotional response in your reader.
The Goal: To complete the first draft of my book
Obstacle: Everything Else