Fear reveals your stepping stone to success on your journey down Publication Highway. Embrace it.
Your dreams hold incredible power. They are your fuel, your motivation, and the lighthouse guiding your way down Publication Highway.
Your book won’t write itself, but with a vanload of friends to help every mile of your journey, you simply can’t fail.
Embrace your Courage. That’s God saying, “I’ve got your back.”
Embrace persistence. (If you can have only one tool in your author toolset, make it persistence)
Are you willing to give up an hour of television every night so you can write your book?
Hitting PUBLISH should be the most exciting and empowering part of your entire journey down Publication Highway!
You must hone whatever talent God gave you into the mighty writing skills needed for this journey.
Boring, daily, effective action is what turns our book dreams into our published reality.
A lot of talented writers never publish a word. They never even finish their first drafts.