So, every time you act courageously, whether it’s hitting the ‘Publish’ button or rewriting a chapter based on feedback from your readers, take a moment to acknowledge it.
Fear reveals your stepping stone to success on your journey down Publication Highway. Embrace it.
You’re not meant to live in fear. You’re meant to live in courage and in faith that you can write and publish your book.
Yet it’s what you do when nobody is watching that determines who you are (your character) and how you perform when everyone is watching.
Courageously battle through your fear, self-doubt, procrastination and every other form of resistance that tries to get in your way.
Focus on what you can control, adapt to challenges, and courageously step out of your comfort zone.
We’re not meant to live in fear. We’re meant to live in love, in gratitude, in compassion for ourselves and others.
You control your destiny. What is destiny but the inevitable result of your thoughts and your actions over time?
The key is to allow yourself that psychological safety to be vulnerable, open and honest with yourself.
If you’re too afraid to write, guess what? Your greatest fear already came true.