Excuse-Free Success: Boost Your Book Sales and Embrace Your Power

Whatever it is you think you want to do - and whatever it is you think stands between you and that - stop making excuses. You can do anything. -Katie Beauchamp

Whatever it is you think you want to do – and whatever it is you think stands between you and that – stop making excuses. You can do anything.

Katie Beauchamp

Stop Making Excuses is a great theme for Sell Your Books Saturday.

Too many authors make endless excuses for why their book isn’t selling or for why they’re not making any effort to sell their book.

Don’t be like them.

Grab a pen and paper

Write down every excuse for why you don’t, won’t or believe you can’t sell your book – anything that you perceive is standing between you and a bestselling book.

List them all.  Use more pages if necessary.

Then, beside each of those excuses, write a new empowering belief to replace that limiting, self-destructive belief that keeps you mired in failure.

You are not a failure.

You are more powerful than your limiting beliefs.

Own these new empowering thoughts.

Put them into practice every day to sell more of your books.

Believe Katie Beauchamp when she says, “Stop making excuses. You can do anything.”

Because that’s the truth, not whatever excuse or limiting belief is running through your mind right now.





Just make the decision to do it, follow that decision with immediate action to make it real, and repeat.

Life – and selling your books – really can be this easy.

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