Daily Practice, Lasting Skill: Cultivating Your Expertise as a Writer

Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill. -Shinichi Suzuki

Knowledge is not skill. Knowledge plus ten thousand times is skill.

-Shinichi Suzuki

We’re constantly bombarded with information, so it’s easy to believe that if we just had more facts, we could succeed at anything.

That’s another grand lie.

Knowledge consistently applied to solve a specific problem over time develops skill. Share on X

It’s not enough to know things – you must put your knowledge into action.

This is why your daily writing habit is essential. You apply what you learned yesterday so you can become a better writer today.

Focus on honing whatever talent God gave you into a might skill by applying what you learn to the craft of writing.

Your success, not just as a writer but in your entire life, depends on your commitment to learn something new every day, and apply that knowledge to make you a better human being and a better writer.

Skill is dynamic. Knowledge is static. Skill is how well you do something. Knowledge is learning what to do so you can become better at it.

It’s a symbiotic relationship. You can’t get better without learning new ways to do something, and if you don’t practice and hone your skills, you’ll remain never improve. 

You can measure knowledge, but you can’t make an impact with what you know. 

You transform your life by taking daily, effective action to hone your skills.

Schedule your 1-on-1 V.I.P. Intensive Workshop today so, together, we can design your complete, detailed Roadmap for Author Success and finally write and publish your book. 

Schedule your free 30-minute "How to Turn Your Book Dream into Your Published Reality" Clarity Call at https://ChristopherDiArmani.net/Dreams
Build Your Daily Writing Habit with Writing Power Hour: https://WritingPowerHour.com

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