Passion is that intangible that sparks every sentence with electricity.
One way to build your confident, authoritative aura is to focus on being of service to your audience.
Your time doesn’t lie. Track it for a week and see, with absolute clarity, what you value, if only subconsciously.
Do I work hard to become the best person I can be when nobody is watching?
What benefits will your ideal reader gain by reading your book and implementing your solution to the problem they face?
Start an Author Success Treasure Chest a folder where you save every positive response you receive to your writing.
Mark your first draft deadline on your calendar. Commit to yourself that you will meet or beat it, too.
Or is your book something you MUST write. Is there some force inside you that refuses to rest until you do this?
Embrace persistence. (If you can have only one tool in your author toolset, make it persistence)
Your Daily Writing Habit plus Momentum equals Your Published Book.