Personal growth is required to become a better writer.
It’s also how you write a book that transforms the life of your reader.
Personal growth is required to become a better writer.
It’s also how you write a book that transforms the life of your reader.
This week we’re reading Choose Your Story Change Your Life by Kindra Hall
Fear reveals your stepping stone to success on your journey down Publication Highway. Embrace it.
By harnessing the power of deadlines, you ensure that every moment marches you toward success and your published book
A deeply immersive storytelling approach forces you to engage your readers’ senses and emotions to draw them deeper into your story.
Stay committed to your journey down Publication Highway, build your Author Toolset, and fortune will favor your courageous actions.
Your dreams hold incredible power. They are your fuel, your motivation, and the lighthouse guiding your way down Publication Highway.
Identify past failures or negative experiences you’re holding onto. Acknowledge them, learn from them, but don’t let them dictate your future actions.
This week we’re reading Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl