Defy Impossible: Transform Your Writing Journey with Courageous Action

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. -Arthur C. Clarke

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.

-Arthur C. Clarke

Your belief that something is “impossible” for you prevents you from achieving your dreams.

It’s a lie you tell yourself so you can take the easy way out; so you won’t even try to push yourself to fulfill your true potential.

It’s a lie you tell yourself so you can remain safely protected from life’s greatest gifts while you hide inside your comfort zone.

To achieve your dreams, you must step out of your comfort zone.

To achieve your dreams, you must push yourself beyond what you think you’re capable of to find out what you’re truly capable of.

You must learn new skills.

You must attempt things you’ve never tried before.

You must risk temporary defeat so you can overcome those obstacles and become the person you know you were meant to be, but aren’t yet.

If you want to write a book but you haven’t started yet, sincerely ask yourself why not?

What fear are you allowing to stop you from doing the thing your heart so desperately desires?

It’s a hard question, I get that, but it’s one you must answer truthfully if you want to achieve your dreams and make the impact in the world you know you were born for.

Are you willing to try?

Are you willing to do the uncomfortable things that will get your book written?

Are you willing to leap in faith and allow the net to appear below you?

Then go to and join the NaNo Rebels Challenge so you can get your first draft finished by the end of November.

Yes, it’s possible. 

Yes, it’s possible FOR YOU.

All you must do is make a decision and follow that decision with courageous action.

We start tomorrow morning at 10am Pacific.

Let this be the day you trample on “impossible” and do the thing that scares you.

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