Courageously battle through your fear, self-doubt, procrastination and every other form of resistance that tries to get in your way.
Keep your word to yourself. Persevere, even when it’s hard and your published book is guaranteed.
The second part, editing, requires a more analytical and methodical approach.
Be willing to revise and rewrite your work until it’s the best you can make it, then hand it off to an editor who specializes in works like yours.
Above all, have faith in yourself. Trust your instincts, even when they seem insane. Perhaps especially when they feel insane!
While uncomfortable, discipline is the road to personal growth and success in any endeavor.
Keep refining your marketing message so that it resonates with your target audience.
Focus on what you can control, adapt to challenges, and courageously step out of your comfort zone.
Passion, enthusiasm and focus are essential, too, so schedule time to revitalize your spirit.
We become better writers by learning from others, by taking their advice to heart.