Editing 101: Refine Your Words to Make an Impact on Your Readers

The most important part of writing is rewriting.

-Donald Murray

Your first draft is a critical step in your journey down Publication Highway, but it’s not the only step.

Refining your manuscript is essential so your words fly off the page and into your reader’s heart. Only then will they do the work required to implement your solution into their life.

Editing is simply a skill to be honed over time. Like writing, the more you edit your work, the better you become at refining your words into diamonds that sparkle in your reader’s mind.

Set a specific focus for each round of revision.

Round 1 could be structure.

Round 2 could be clarity of message, first at the chapter level, then at the paragraph and sentence levels.

Ask for feedback from beta readers and experts in your space. If they suggest a change, take it to heart. Constructive feedback is an incredible gift. Treat it with the respect it deserves as you finalize your book.

Proverbs 27:17 is a great passage for this stage of editing.

As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

We become better writers by learning from others, by taking their advice to heart. Share on X

I cover some great books on editing in my “Become a Better Writer Without Writing a Word” weekly book challenge.

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