Determination to succeed combined with the willingness to do WHATEVER it takes to turn your dream into your reality means you simply cannot fail.
Yes, and I could keep “making it better” for years and never write my book.
If you’ve never tried the “old-school” notebook and pen method, I encourage you to pick up a notebook from your local dollar store and give it a try for 30 days.
The FASTEST way to become a better writer is to write every single day – whether you feel like it or not.
What about if you tell yourself you love writing? You can’t wait to finally get to your desk so you can begin doing the thing you love, right?
If you believe you were born to live a life of significance, a life that will positively impact people – no matter where they are – you are the lighthouse, not the bonfire.”
Use your cover art, back cover blurb and book marketing copy to instill the Know Like Trust factor for you in your prospective readers.
Fear of a stranger’s judgement can stop you from turning your book dream into your published reality.
Without a series of deadlines – set and met – your book will never be written, let alone published.
If you simply must write, then embrace your journey with passion, purpose, commitment and discipline.