When we focus on our hopes and dreams to the exclusion of building a plan to turn those dreams into reality, we’re living on Someday Island.
Month: August 2022
Get creative. That’s all book marketing is – getting creative with how you can get copies of your book into the hands of those who need it.
Fears of all kinds can paralyze us.
Fear of success.
Fear of failure.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear around not knowing what to do because you’ve never done this before.
Goals are fantastic, but without a deadline attached, your goal is nothing but a pretty thought, a pipe dream with no plan to turn them into reality.
The challenge of writing is that the accolades don’t come until months after we’ve done the hard work of writing the book.
There are no stadiums filled with screaming fans watching us write.
Motivation can fade. The excitement of this book project will wax and wane over the course of writing your book. That’s (almost) inevitable.
Unless I believe something is possible for me, it’s out of my reach.
The trouble with that thought is it’s predicated on MY BELIEF, not reality. Not one what is truly possible for me, but what I believe is possible.
To achieve our dream of writing and publishing a book, to “say what you would be” in EpicTetus’ words, requires that we take action.
God gave each of us some level of sales talent.
It’s up to us to hone that God-given talent into a mighty skill using our ability to focus and apply willingness, tenacity and desire to the process.
Nothing great in life is ever achieved without taking risks, and to turn your dreams of writing a book into reality requires that you take risks.