Unlock Your Book Sales Success: The Trinity of Ability, Motivation, and Attitude

Ability is What You're Capable of Doing. Motivation Determines What You Do. Attitude Determines How You Do It. -Lou Holtz

Ability is What You’re Capable of Doing. Motivation Determines What You Do. Attitude Determines How You Do It.

-Lou Holtz

God gave each of us some level of sales talent.

It’s up to us to hone that God-given talent into a mighty skill using our ability to focus and apply willingness, tenacity and desire to the process.

Are you willing to dig deep into your WHY? Your deepest motivations for publishing and selling your book?

Will you do this internal work with grace, gratitude, love, joy, compassion and courage?

Will you develop a positive mental attitude toward selling your book?

If you do, you will accomplish incredible things and sell a ton of books. It’s inevitable.

Ability, Motivation & Attitude determine your character.

Your character determines the quality of the life you live.

And it contributes heavily to how many books you sell any given day.

We can accomplish anything we set our minds to so long as we maintain this positive mental attitude towards the actions we take each day.

It’s a beautiful thing.

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