Focus on what you can control, adapt to challenges, and courageously step out of your comfort zone.
“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”
Your Daily Writing Habit plus Momentum equals Your Published Book.
With every step, you realize the safety you thought you required to survive was really a mind fog that muted every color of the rainbow.
You must hone whatever talent God gave you into the mighty writing skills needed for this journey.
If you believe you can write an amazing transformational book that will impact the lives of your readers, then you will write that book.
We are in control of our life, but that doesn’t mean we’re in control of everything that happens to us. In those moments, our attitude is the most important thing.
Everything we consider “ordinary” today was first an idea in someone’s mind. They had to take their idea and transform it into reality.
Peace of Mind can be such a fickle thing… To safeguard my peace of mind, I must be emotionally and psychologically grounded.
Our minds act, not upon reality as it is, but as we perceive it.
Our thoughts create the world we live in.