Selling with Joy: Transform Your Book Marketing Mindset and Find Success

The kind of marketing that will get done is, for the most part, the kind that’s enjoyable. -Lisa Velthouse

The kind of marketing that will get done is, for the most part, the kind that’s enjoyable.

-Lisa Velthouse

If a task is not enjoyable, we tend not to do it.  It’s human nature.

Since marketing your book is an absolute necessity, it's best to make the job enjoyable, right? Share on X

How do you make book marketing enjoyable?

By changing your attitude toward it.

If you haven’t published yet, imagine the excitement of selling your first book.

If you already published, remember how good it felt to sell your first book.

How can you use that feeling to empower your book marketing?

In your back cover blurb? Your ad copy? Launching your first ad? Speaking about your book on a podcast?

Your Number One job – even before your book is finished – is to market your book effectively to the people most likely to be helped by it, the people most likely to buy it and read it.

The good news is a lot of the research required to write your book can also be used to market your book.

If you don’t have a Roadmap for your book yet, or don’t know what a Roadmap is and how it can help you, join me on December 12th for UNSTUCK: the free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors.

A detailed Roadmap for Author Success to write and publish your book in 2023 is a brilliant way to prepare for the New Year!

If you want to design your personal Roadmap for Author Success, join me on December 12th for UNSTUCK: the free 5-Day Workshop for Christian Non-Fiction Authors:
Schedule your free 30-minute Turn My Dreams Into Reality Clarity Call at
Build Your Daily Writing Habit with Writing Power Hour:

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