Release and Rise: Overcoming Past Failures in Your Author’s Journey

Once You Realize You Deserve a Bright Future Letting Go of Your Dark Past is the Best Choice You Will Ever Make -Roy T. Bennett

Once You Realize You Deserve a Bright Future Letting Go of Your Dark Past is the Best Choice You Will Ever Make

-Roy T. Bennett

Letting go of our past failures can be challenging, but it’s also required if we want to turn our dreams for our future into our reality.

Past failures are not indicators of future failures. They are the lessons that lead us to the road to victory.

No matter how dark our past may be, when we sincerely, honestly and humbly do our best to make amends for our past bad acts so we can move forward with our lives, there is hope.

We are not meant to live in fear.

We are not meant to live in the negativity of our past.

We are meant to live a life of gratitude, love, joy and compassion, and we’re meant to do all of that with courage.

If your past is haunting you today, shine the spotlight of truth on those negative thoughts.

Force them out into the light where you can face them.

Face them with courage.

Replace them with empowering thoughts and emotions.

Be #courageous.

Be #relentless.

Be #unstoppable on your road to success

Honestly, that’s the most courageous thing we can do on any given day.

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