Cracking the Code: Conquering the 5 Obstacles to Book Sales

Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. -Zig Ziglar

Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.

-Zig Ziglar

No matter what you sell – a book or any other product or service – the objections from your buyers are the same:

  • No Need
  • No Money
  • No Hurry
  • No Desire
  • No Trust

If telling someone they had a drinking problem could end alcoholism, there would be no alcoholism.

The same is true of your ideal reader.

Telling them your book is the solution to their most pressing problem doesn’t help.

You must show them.

To do that, you must know who your book helps. Marketing a knitting book to a soccer player probably isn’t your best choice.

You must know what problem your book solves for your reader so you can write compelling copy that makes them feel, deep in their soul, that your book as the answer to their prayers.

No Money? We always have money for the things we value. So do your readers. Your book marketing copy must instill in them the feeling that the benefits they’ll receive is more important than a few bucks.

Urgency is a function of pain. If the pain is great enough, I will do ANYTHING to get out of it. So will you. So will your readers.

Trust is the BIG one.

Altogether, these 5 objections are countered by KLT - Know, Like and Trust. Open your heart and let your reader to get to know you and like you. When they know you and like you, they will trust you enough to buy your book. Share on X
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